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  • Collins English For Life - Listening (B2+ Upper Intermediate) - Kèm 1 CD
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Collins English For Life - Listening (B2+ Upper Intermediate) - Kèm 1 CD

Tác giả:
Nxb Tổng hợp TP.HCM
Minh Tâm
Real English for life beyond the classroomEnglish in the real world is constantly evolving, and learners need to move with it. But sometimes the English you can learn from your coursebook just isn’t enough for real life. Being able to understand English as it is really spoken will give you the confidence to succeed ... Xem thêm
Thông tin kèm theo
  • Miễn phí giao hàng toàn quốc cho Đơn hàng từ 250.000đ (Áp dụng từ 1/2/2015. Xem chi tiết »)
Thông tin thanh toán
Giá bìa 188.000   

Giá bán


Tiết kiệm
131.000  (70%)
Chất lượng sách
Loại A
Sắp hết hàng

Collins English For Life - Listening (B2+ Upper Intermediate) - Kèm 1 CD

Real English for life beyond the classroom

English in the real world is constantly evolving, and learners need to move with it. But sometimes the English you can learn from your coursebook just isn’t enough for real life. Being able to understand English as it is really spoken will give you the confidence to succeed in any English-speaking environment. Using a wide range of authentic, unscripted recordings of everyday people from around the world, Collins Listening (B2+) will help you to feel confident and prepared for anything.

> Hear the language people really use when they are speaking
> CD with over 40 authentic recordings in a wide variety of scenarios
> Useful tips to increase your understanding of tone, slang and context

Units are divided into the following themes:
• Lifestyle
• Practical advice and information
• Attitudes and behaviour
• Passions
• Memorable experiences

Each of these areas includes analysis of high-level, natural recordings between one, two and three people. Some conversations took place face-to-face while others were over the phone. All are 100% unscripted and unedited and do not use actors.

About the series:
What is it? Collins’ innovative English for Life series adds the extra bit of authenticity to your studies that traditional coursebooks often lack. The series includes helpful up-to-date and relevant topics needed to get by in English and uses authentic material from the Collins Corpus, the world’s largest database of the English language.

How can the series be used? The series can be used for independent study (self-study) and extra assignments, it's a great supplement to existing coursebooks, and the books can also be used as stand-alone coursebooks for short courses. All books have accompanying teacher resources available online.

What levels are available? There are three levels available:
A2 (Pre-intermediate)
B1+ (Intermediate)
B2+ (Upper intermediate) 

(Giá = Sách + 1 CD)

Mời bạn đón đọc.


Thông tin chi tiết

  • Tác giả: Ian Badger
  • Nhà xuất bản: Nxb Tổng hợp TP.HCM
  • Nhà phát hành: Minh Tâm
  • Mã Sản phẩm: 9786045819753
  • Khối lượng: 330.00 gam
  • Định dạng: Bìa mềm
  • Kích thước: 19 x 25 cm
  • Ngày phát hành: 26/06/2014
  • Số trang: 144
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